PinnedMap Aerial Photography and why sometimes it seems to be too big for displaying on the map (Map…Creating web application based on map looks like a lot of fun and easy work. We can create frontend app with map functionality in blink of…Jan 14Jan 14
Google Smart Home Assistant Cloud-To-Cloud connection with Azure FunctionTutorial how to make Cloud-to-Cloud Google smart home connection using Azure FunctionsMay 21, 2023May 21, 2023
nanoFramework: Run your C# code into ESP32In this article, we will run hello world example for IoT using ESP32 microcontroller and nanoFramework.Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Google FIREBASE HostingIn this series, I want to introduce you to Google FIREBASE cloud platform. During this course, you will discover that you don’t need to…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Complex Azure Function Example (parameters, connection to database, hiding secrets)Example of Azure Function with db connection, usage of dapper and hiding connection string in Json file.Jun 29, 2020Jun 29, 2020
Why and when you should use NgRx Data?You are using NgRx store and you have enough boilerplate code? This article is for you. Get to know the NgRx data with simple example.Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
How to click on 3d object on map (mapbox) with help form (uber library)Displaying map with mapbox is one of the easiest things you can do with the mapbox map, adding 3d layer seems to be hard but it is well…Jan 24, 2020Jan 24, 2020
Angular NgRx action based Undo/Redo system with effects and multiple storesAbility to undo/redo your actions is required in more and more enterprise applications. People just expect this type of fault tolerance…Oct 6, 2019Oct 6, 2019